Planet Pulse Pacific

Shamiz Kachwalla - High Carb Health

Ben and Emma Season 1 Episode 4

In this episode, we share Shamiz Kachwalla’s extraordinary recovery story. In 2012 Shamiz was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis; he was told he would be on medication for life, and the likelihood of surgery was high. After adopting a plant-based diet, Shamiz was able to completely turn his health around and has been fit and healthy for the last seven years. Shamiz and his brother Shukul now help countless others regain their health through their business High Carb Health.

In this episode we cover:
• Shamiz’s diagnosis with IBD and his time in hospital
• His road back to health (discussing diet, lifestyle and mindset)
• Life and diet since the recovery
• His (and his brother’s) business High Carb Health
• Diet, exercise and gut health

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