Planet Pulse Pacific

Professor Jim Mann - Plants: The Solution for Obesity And Diabetes

Ben and Emma Season 2 Episode 32

In this episode, we bring you the third and final recording from the recent Evidence Based Eating NZ event in Dunedin. In this episode Professor Jim Mann discusses New Zealand’s looming diabetes disaster and the role of plant-based diets in tackling this issue. Jim has been a Professor in Human Nutrition and Medicine at the University of Otago and a consultant Endocrinologist in Dunedin Hospital for 25 years.  Jim is also director of the Healthier Lives National Science Challenge and the Director of Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Human Nutrition and Principle Investigator for the Riddet Institute.

Over the coming months, Evidence Based Eating NZ will be delivering their final two public lecture events in Auckland and Wellington that will highlight the power of plant-based whole foods to restore health to all New Zealanders. Please visit the Evidence Based Eating NZ website for more details and to register.

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